Since I'm taking care of my son, I've been too busy to read in detail so I've skimmed the economic stimulus packages in Canada and the U.S. and I was struck by a heterodoxical question: why is the (Canadian) federal government spending my money for me?
It would be frankly better to give me my share ofthe stimulus package and let me do what I think best. After all, I can't do any worse than the financial geniuses who got us in the mess in the first place. Furthermore, I wouldn't be wasteful since I can't tax other people to correct my mistakes.
I dislike the amount of money that the American and Canadian governments are spending 'to stimulate' the economy; not simply because the amounts are potentially ruinious and make us dependent on our lenders' goodwill and future solvency (cf. Spain during the 1600s), but more so, because the governments are taking over huge chunks of the economy without any proof that they'll do better but plenty that they'll aggravate the crisis. In fact, Obama's stimulus package which includes a Buy American policy has effectively abrogated all the free trade agreements and rescinded the country's obligations under the World Trade Organization (WTO) obligations without notifying the parties That's a violation of international law on treaties.
Of course, the Canadian feds protested but they'll forget when it comes to intra-Canadian trade.
Worse, is that once, the government intervenes in companies, it's really hard to get the bureaucrats and politicians out.
We citizens really need to show far more self-confidence, be courageous and tell the politicians thanks but we'll resolve the crisis through our infinite personal, familial, collective, corporative choices and decisions