Amy posted this news story about a Catholic school in Scotland. It has a student body of 75% Moslem and some parents are pushing for the school to become Moslem. Some parents went so far as to commit sacrilege by disrupting the mass.
I wrote a brief comment but since I have a blog I wanted to elaborate some additional thoughts about the situation.
Without question, Moslems living in the west are the biggest ingrates in the world. They leave their countries of origin because these don't let them live and feed their families, they come here and then begin to demand the adoption of the vary conditions that caused them to emigrate in the first place!
The tension over changing the vocation of the Catholic school is merely an illustration of that ingratitude. Indeed, those Moslems parents sent their kids to a Catholic school because they know that Moslem education is beyond useless. The boys learn nothing: rote memorization of the Koran is of no help to learn how to build a house nor interact with the non-Moslem world. So the boys grow up to be both useless and parasitical and their only outlet is to become a suicide bomber, a criminal or a rent a mobber; the girls become nothing more than illiterate chattel to be disposed of as the men see fit. Those girls who do get educated find that their career paths severely limited: doctor, teacher and nurse. Those women who defy Islamic convention will be murdered to erase the affront to the family's honour.
Cruel? Uncharitable? Perhaps. But the Moslem parentsat the Scottish school suffer from Ali Baba disease: that Catholic education is a turnkey solution that'll make them wise, rich and cool like Ali Baba when he found the treasures in the cave.
Moslem parents tragically delude themsleves that the Catholic curriculum will survive within a Moslem environment. In reality, if the Moslems manage to change the school's religious vocation, the Catholic curriculum will disappear very quickly. The incompatible theologies will cause the Moslems to tinker with an educational approach they don't full understand in order to make it more compatible with Islamic principles.
Indeed, if the parents are so anxious about the school's Catholicism and religosity, they must remove their kids from such an environment.
But they won't. Quite frankly the headmaster must disabuse the parents of their delusions. The truth sets you free; for Moslems they have to stop their wishful thinking that they can have both a Catholic curriculum and a Moslem school without costs or sacrifices. Deep down the parents know too that but are simply too proud to concede.
Consequently Westerners must challenge the unmmerited sense of superiority that the Moslems have towards others. There's nothing particulraly impressive about Moslem civilization; how many non-Moslem kids or students go to a Moslem university compared to Moslems who jostle to get into London School of Economics, the Sarbonne or even the Université de Montreal?