Yesterday, I was just as stuned to learn that Eccklestone, the head of the International Grand prix cancelled the Montreal race for 2004. Everyone in Quebec is quite shocked because only last week Ecclestone assured Niemayer- Montreal Grand Prix's organizer that the race would be held next year.
Niemayer is far to diplomatic to say that he's been betrayed but there's no question that he wasn't only betrayed he was also screwed. To his credit, Neimayer won't lobby the federal government to change its policy.
Ostensibly the cancellation was due to the fact that Canadian legislation prohibits tabacco companies from sponsering sports events. Of course that's total nonsense because there was a 7 year grace period for Formula 1 to find alternatives; further, Britian and France have similar legislation and their Grands prix weren't cancelled; in fact, the race cars sponsored by the tobacco companies were unbranded. Further the Montreal Grand prix is one of the few profitable racing events and is a genuinely popular one. I know I speak from personal experience though I'm not a race fan.
A reasonable person can't but conclude that Ecclestone is blackmailing Canada to water down its tough anti-tobacco legislation. Belgium sort of caved in when it granted an exemption. Unfortunately, the European Union is working on legislation that will also ban tobacco advertising for European sporting events starting 2005. I doubt very much that Formula 1 races throughout Europe will be cancelled and moved elsewhere.
I'm offended and I really hope that the board of governors, or whoever, oversees the activities of Formula 1 chief will sack him over this decision.On Monday night, the Bois-Franc region had a violent thunderstorm. In 2 hours, 136 millimetres of rain fell and the result was more than just a flood, entire roads, chalets, farms were severely damaged or lost. Damages are estimated at between 7-10 million dollars Canadian. Looking at the photos in today's local paper, I'm reminded just how powerful an erosive agent water is. Stunning and quite haunting to see a bridge nearly destroyed by a crevice; impassable roads and empty spaces where cottages used to be.
Crazy weather because over Victoriaville- the region's capital, there were 4 storm cells that caused the severe rain storm; out in the West which would really use the rains to put out the forest fires don't get in. In Europe, where the oldest niece is visiting her grandmother mentioned that in the southern France, temperature hit 40 C and a heatwave(aka the canicule) that likes of which haven't been felt since 1949. In Portugal and Spain there are devastating forest fires. Some will claim that this is proof of global warming. Perhaps but I wonder if el Ni?o is more responsible?
Tr?s t?t ce matin quand j'?tais au gym, j'ai peux lire les machettes de CNN qui annon?ait qui le Pr Gene Robinson- le pr?te homosexuel a ?t? confirm? comme ?v?que dans l'?glise anglicane am?ricaine. Son ?lection suscite beaucoup de commentaire dont j'en ajouterai. Je la vois comme une d?sastre puisque les Anglicans ont carr?ment d?sob?i le Christ qui nous avait ordonn? ? maintenir l'unit?.
Malheureusement, avec l'?lection du Pr. Robinson on y participe a une scandale. C'est ? voir si les traditionalistes au sien de la Communion anglicane scinderont ou non. Je sais que les Africain ont menac? de la quitter. Pour les Catholiques l'oecum?nisme avec les Anglicans est une lettre morte. S'il y pour moi une preuve que le Protestantisme est fissiporeux, la vote hier de l'?glise anglicane l'est la preuve. Moi, je ne c?l?bre pas l'auto-destruction d'une rame du christianisme; au-contraire, je vois devant mes yeux la scandale de la d?sunion qui a conduit ? l'h?r?sie.
Scandaleux c'est le mot juste dans les circonstances.
Noah Schatman a publi? un article fort int?ressant sur un alliage de tungst?ne qui pourrait remplacer l'uranium appauvri des ogives d'obus de chars. L'uranium appauvri c'est la mat?riel la plus dense du monde mais c'est aussi l'une de les plus toxiques dans le monde.
Les avantages de l'uranium appauvri pour les militaires sont incontestables,: quand cet uranium p?n?tre l'acier, le premier br?le le deuxi?me. Donc dans un espace confi? comme la tourelle d'un char c'est fatal comme on l'a vus ? maintes reprises pendant les deux guerre d'Iraq. N?anmoins, il existe une controverse de quoi l'uranium cause des maladies, est canc?rig?nes, et des anomalies g?n?tiques.
Personnellement, je ne suis pas convaincu mais si les scientifique trouvent un substitut qui d?truit l'acier d'un char sans intoxiquer l'environnement et rendre malades les gens, tant mieux.