It's astounding how the mainstream media succumbs to a bandwagon effect with certain stories. Afganistan is the latest in groupthink. Last week, the media was practically hyperventilating at the Selig group's report that Canada and the Coalition were losing the war, creating enemies by battling the Taliban and that the former should pull out.
Today, in the Saturday Gazette there was an interview with 2 Russian veterans of the Afghan war who concluded that Canada can't win in Afganistan.
Lord, I'm sick of the elites' cowardly irresolution and their facile desire to quit and flee.
The question that arises is why do they want to run away whenever at the first sign of a tough situation?
The answer varies on the elite. Our bien-pensants sincrely delude themselves that if the West disengaged, the jihadist would leave us alone. The media wants to retain its ability to make a break goverments and well as ensure it'll have some influence in the neo-caliphite.
Everyone want to hedge their options or persist in deluding themselves through dialogue. Frustratingly, they want to surrender in our name and we didn't authorize them to do anything.
In any case, I'm disgusted with the elites and I want to discredit everytime they blanch. They deserve our contempt.
Llegint tant els darrers articles dels cimerencis com l'Avui de dissabte, sospito que CiU guanyarà les eleccions per la Generalitat però hi ha una por generalitzada que els partits d'esquerra reeditaran el triparit que exclourà de nou el CiU encara que hagi guanyat les eleccions.
Mas ho ha dit ben clar a Radio Catalunya que qüestionaria la llegitimitat d'un nou tripartit. Clar, els socialistes li fumen bronca. Doncs, em pregunto si els partits d'esquerra reeditissin de nou el triparit, provocaria una crisi política.
Personalment, conclueixo que si perqué molts catalans s'indiginaran que per segona vegada, CiU haurà guanyades les eleccions però que un conveni entre els partits d' esquerra trastoraran de nou la voluntat des votadors que hauran decidits que no volen un triparit sinó un govern monocromàtic poc importa les sigles (Ara bé ja sé que les sigles compten però per raons retòrics, minimitzo pel moment)
L'altra pregunta que em entra pel cap es que si CiU guanyés una majòria o un vot que no li cal al liar-se amb ningú, ¿aceptaran el partits sobretot aquell què seu al carrer Nicaragua o precipartrian ells també una crisi política per la seva banda?