
Giscard d'Estaing: La Turquie n'est pas une pays européeen

L'ex-mandatiare français, présentement le président sur la Convention de l'avenir de l'Europe, a nié dans des entrevues à l'égard de l'adhésion de la Turique au sien de l'EU que ce pays est européen


Peut-être j'ai mal-lu mes manuels d'histoire ou j'endormais dans mes cours de cette discipline, mais je suis en désaccord des propos de l'ex-président français. Les Turcs pour bien on mal ont joués un rôle capital dans l'histoire européen depuis leur entrée dans le Vieux Continent pendant l'Haut Moyen Âge.
Giscard d'Estaing exprime une crainte honteuse que les Turcs sont les mêmes qu'il y a 500 siècles et que certain secteurs de l'élite européenne bien que sécularisée- voient 'le péril ottoman qui conquêtera la Chrétienneté.'

Pire encore c'est que les éléctions de la partie turc vaguement islamiste AGP, ne donne qu'une excuse comme une autre pour empêcher à jamais l'entrée.
Honnêtement, les propos de Giscard d'Estaing m'irritent profundement. Je crois- et peut-être je suis le naïf- mais en permettant l'entrée de la Turquie à l'union, apaisera un peu les courrants vaguement islamistes et permettera le pays de bénéficier d'une riguer quant à l'économie, la production; bref sur l'ensemble des activité humaine. En outre, les Turcs plus tranquillent, se sentira assez confuident de leurs avenir qu'ils commerceront à donner plus d'autonomie et droits aux kurdes.
Malheureusement, certains Européenne veuillent perpetuer le passé tout comme l'islamo-jihadistes.

Jesus Gil and the Gibraltar vote

Jesus has posted a thoughtful article on the result of the Gibraltar vote I agree with his major premise that the biggest beef That Spain has have over the Rock is that it's centre for smuggling and money laundering. I know that last point grates the Anglospherists but that's a reality. Moreover, Gibraltar no longer has the same strategic value as it did in the past and cosoveregnity with Spain isn't such a black disaster as some of the more rabid pro-British Gibraltarians would have the world believe. So the same dilemma remains: how to convince the Gibraltarians that a change of their status is necessary while safeguarding their ties with Britian?

No blogging tommorrow

Off to s short trip tommorrow. Blogging will most likely resume on Sunday or even Monday.
Have a great weekend

America's midterm electoral results: a foreigner's view

With sincerest apologies to the American blogger who've done an outstanding job in covering the election from their respective states and even cities, I'm rather indifferent to the electoral results. I guess it's because I'm a foreigner who can't vote in American elections but is deeply effected by their results.

I would appreciate if the American bloggers can tell me what the signifigance of the Republican victory signfies for the rest of the world? Specifically, does the Republican victory signify that Bush will now be able to embrace a more robust free trade policy? I hope so because frankly, I found Bush's pandering to certain industrial sectors- softwood lumber for the pursposes of this post, to have been quite gratuitious.

Worse, the decision to protect an industrial sector also made it harder for Canadian cooperation in the war on islamojihadism when 2 provinces are losing jobs at a rapid pace and has a ripple effect throughout the economy because some senator or congressman whine about how his state can't compete. I expect Bush and its economic ministers to tell the senators and congressmen that capitalism signifies offering an excellent product/service for less money. If some American industries have trouble competing will that's just capitalism at work.

Memo to Americans: don't cheer to brazenly over the electoral results

The Europeans are quite right to be worried by the Republican party's astonishing electoral gains. but not for the reasons Americans think.
Their most reasonable concern is that the Bush Administration will single out certain European countries and punish them for their reclacitrant stance over Iraq. Worse are the possible economic ramifications for such punishment. Europeans will fail to see how pushing their economies into a deep recession will advance the Bush Administration's policy goals of freer trade, the war against the islmaojihadists.
So, my advice to the American voters is not to crow too brazenly over the electoral results; the European allies might still put sticks in your wheels.

Compromise and integrity: how words matters

Thanks to Stefan's blog who linked this very interesting article aboutcompromise. It appears that words matter. I was rather intrigued by the professor's etyomological research whereby he concluded that the word compromise exists in the Germanic, Salvic and Latin branches of IndoEuropean. Curious, I went off to my French dictionaries to look up the exact etyomology for a Romance language.

It's as I suspected: it's a combination of the preposition con which become com in front of a p with the verb promissio, promissere. If that last verb look very familiar it's because it's the origins of the promise- literally a give on the behalf of; give to. so a compromise is to give on the behalf of[something] with [something]. In legal terms: a bilateral obligation with all of the implications and consequences: both paries are assumed to be equal in negotiating power and gave their enlighted consent. If one party doesn't execute his obligation completely, publically and on time the other party can enforce compulsory execution after going before a court or judge

It's very interesting to note that in Arabic, compromise is studded with negative connotations and raises an interesting question: how does a society develop a culture of compromise when the word itself is without prestige? Also, I don't completely accept the professor's thesis because he's neglected the Arab Christians. Do they have a culture of compromise or have they absorbed the dominant Moselm cultural values due to being dhimmis?

What further struck me was the professor's statement that Arabic has no word for integrity. I find it hard to believe because the Arabs- whether Christian, Moselm and Jew- are renewed for being perceptive businessmen/merchants. Indeed, without integrity, the medieval Islamic empire couldn't have been the richest, most lucrative and stable that it was. So what changed in Ismlamic society whereby integrity is no longer regarded as primordial?

The professor's article is a fascinating debate on the history of ideas and a welcome one at that.

Fissures entre l'Anglosfera

Ahir a les notícies, el govern americà ha anunciat un nou reglement que tocarà els visitadors 50 països de la Commomwealth Segons el reglament proposat, el vistadors de l'India, Pakistan, Jamaica i Trinidad hauran d'apportar el passeport i una visa si volen visitar als Estat-Units desde Canadà. Mestrestant, el vistadors d'Angleterra, Signaport, Austràlia per exemple només s'els obligaran el passaport.
El Ministre d'immigració canadenc Denis Corderre denucia aquesta nova política com la perfilació racial. No exactement però si hi ha un estandar doble. ¿Per qué se singularitza un jamaicà però no pas un nouzelandès? El britannics tenen llurs islamojihadistes- no poden descuidar del cas de Richard Reid. Ademés, es una mica hipocrita, quan es llegeix les peripècies de Muhammed i Malvo- els dos franctiradors. Es veu que les autoritats americans no respetaven llurs pròpries lleis.

Muhammend a ell sol ha commès almenys una dotzena de violacions abans de matar gent. Sequestrà ses nens durant una baralla per la guarda d'aquest. Anà a Antigua amb papers falsos i anconseguí un passaport antuigina. Llavors retora al pas i sense cap mena de suporar-se a través una feina pogué comprar-se un cotxe, viatjar a les Isles Caïmans i altre comportment que varia de s'espera de una persona sense medis ni faena.

Doncs no veig come imposar noves lleis ajudaran a contrarrestrar el terrorisme quan les lleis ja vigent no se les apliquen. Tanmateix el americans s'han de protegir i se sap d'on venen la majoria del terroristes.Finalment, amb auqest nou reglament veig qui hi ha una fissura entre l'Anglosfera i l'Anglès-esfera.

Es interessant a notar que els països nuclis de l'Anglosfera- Signapore n'es una excepció a causa de la seva legislació anti-terrorista bastant severa- només s'exigeixen només un passaport; mentres que els països de l' Anglès-esfera com a India, Pakistan, les isles anglofònes caribenyes i l'Africa anglofòna s'exigiran el passaport i la visa. Ço que significa que hi existeixen fissures que impexeixen de parlar de l'Anglosfera com a realitat unitària.

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