
La falta de creixement en al món arab

Arabnews fa un bon reportage de les raons structural per que el món arab no creixa. N'estic d,aciord però es molt més que bancs o institucions financials modernes- per exemple ¿com es reconciliarà la prohibiació total de cargar interessos? La causa fundamental es la macança d'informació i una societat que la circuli lliurement. Ademés les societats arabes son res més que estats policials amb una dictadura ferrera que afavoreixen l'ignorància a l'ensenyança; la venjança al aprendisatge.
Fins que la gent no decideixen de prendre a mà llur destins i realment encoratjar el desenvolupament, l'innovació i tot que pertany a una societat realment dinàmica, lliure i oberta, no avancaran jamés. Tancar-se es estancar-se.

Hollywood's decline: an obselete human resources models

Several days ago, I came across an interesting article from Drudge report whereby the California legislature wanted to provide tax incentives for production to stay in the state instead of going to Canada or elsewhere. I was particularly struck by the human resource model that the studios employ. It's basically the same one when the film industry started a century ago: the writers produce the work and do so at a frantic pace. Once completed there's no more work and become idle until the next contract. Oftimes, the next one takes so long that the writers and other workers have to work at a part time job to make ends meet.
That human resource model is one of the principal reasons why movies and TV shows are made elsewhere. Unless, the industry is a highly specialized artesenal or traditional industries, having your human resource idle for the next contract is extraordinarily wasteful and irrational. The American film business is no longer some cottage industry that sort of grew out of the stage, radio and vaudvillian acts but big buisness on the same scale as cars and computers.
Instead of giving tax breaks perhaps the California legislature should investiage the Hollywood's employment of its human resource and recommend more efficient and rationalizes uses of an immense talent pool.

Den Beste and the Europeans:don't antagonise friends

Den Beste's latest article on France and Russia towards the Iraq affair confirms Charles Tupper's conclusion (post #328) that the former's perspective is shallow and myopic with respect to the Europeans.

How possibly would sanctioning France's economy to the point of ruin advance America's interests? Especially America's preference for free trade under the rule of law, fighting against the islamojishadists, demonstrating the robustness of open societies with democratic polities and freemarket oriented economies?

Don't unnecessarily antagonize allies and turn them into enemies should be the Administration's policy. After all, the Europeans could really harm American interests by reducing even more their defense budgets and burden the American economy with even higher military spending that eventually saps its robustness. Alternatively, the Europeans could put aside their significant differences and embrace the revolution in military affairs and challenge American military preeminence.

The Administration really should consider delegating European defense to the Europeans. The rancor that exists between France and other European countries is a perception that even pursuing their own national interest is somehow challenging American power. Further, there's an element of pride: the Europeans sense that even if they increased their defense budgets proportionally, the American military would still assign its European counterparts to be water carriers and road builder.

Does Den Beste even consider that the Americans and French might be collaborating much more closely behind the scenes, particularly in intelligence sharing? As with Russia, just how oblivous is he to the hostage situation in Moscow? There's no way that the American administration will harm the Russian economy in any signficant way The current Administration is rather cognizant that Russia's Moslem extremist problem is merely a foretaste of what will happen to America. Delibitating a shaky economy to satisfy some misplaced, contingent moralism is frankly counterproductive.

Perhaps both countries wil lose their economic ties and contracts but international relations has a funny way of maintaining 'unnatural' status quos. After all, the Americans ratified under Yalta the Nazi-Soviet pact with respect to Eastern Europe.


El secuestro en Rusia y la invasión de Irak

El reportaje del Mundo sobre el secuestro de 700 personas en un teatro por los chechenos me hace pensar que los islamojihadistas son estúpidios. Con este acto ha ceñido el apoyo ruso por una nueva resolución a la ONU para invadir Irak. Los rusos como contraprestación pedirán a los américanos a hacer el sueco cuando reprimen los chechenos.
En lo inmediato, los chechenos secuestradores ha ruinado cualquiera simpatia por su causa por que han atacado un lugar civil e indefenso. Es una estratégia totalmente contraproductiva por que la gente se aferrán y combatirán ferozmente a defensar los vulnerabls. A pesar que Rusia es una democracía jóven, es una todavía y cualquiera ataque contra Chechnia no será como en 1998; lucharán de manera más intensa e inteligente. El honor, intéres y medio les motiverán a aplastar una menaza. Tal vez los chechenos merecen la independencía pero la han dilapidado con este acto terrorista.

Sobre els accusats detinguts com a presumpte franctiradors

Avui la pòlicia ha annuciat des d'aquest dematí qua han detinguts 2 homes que possiblement son els franctiradors que terroritzaven. Pel moment l'home gran- un John Allen Mohamed de 42 anys ha sigut detingut per contravencions d'armes no-relaçionades amb els crims d'assasinat. Adémes la pòlicia ha igualment detingut el filastre un John Malvo de 17 anys i ciutudà de Jamiaca.
Que em porta l'atenció es el fet que es tracta d'un ex-soldat veterà de la Guerra del Golf i un conversa al Lslam. Es aquest últim punt que em preocupa molt. Si aquest home fossí realment el franctirador, d'ara endevant, els americans no-musulmans tractarien llurs cociutadans musulmans amb bastant reticiència si més no amb hostalitat. Pitjor perque l'advocació feta per Damian Penny serà paper mullat.
No crec que si Mohammed fossí el franctirador, seria un membre d'Al Qua'ida però tampoc no es pot descartar un rol o influència.

Response to John and Antonio's post on la Francophonie

John and Antonio respectfully disagree with many of my points. First off I want to dispense with point 3. Yes I do know how very insulting the opening sentence is in English. I made it clear that I was undergoing a very rare intemperate outburst. Let me be very clear that I never directed my outburst at commentators like John and Antonio, J Lichty, Meryl Yourish, mommydoc and other thoughtful commentators in the blogosphere. I apologize to them if they concluded that I directed my venom towards them.

I directed my outburst towards some commentators who ranted about la Francophonie and exposed their abysmal ignorance.
Second, I view Andorra as a country's that's a bridge between the Franchophonie and the Iberian world and don't see the necessity of pigeonholing Andorra exclusively one or the other.

Third, with respect to the Quebecois and the 2 World wars, there's some background that needs explanation. In the First World war many of the Francophones enthusiatically supported the declaraion of war and eagerly flocked to the colours. Sam Hughes, the Defense minister, was an Orangeman and a very intense anti-Catholic bigot who squandered an immense opportunity to meld both linguistic groups to a common cause. He refused to let the Catholics units celebrate military masses and broke up French Canadian units breaching an explicit understanding they would serve together. Further, the conscription crisis of 1917 was provoked by a broken promise. It was understood that Canadians would be volunteers and would never be any complusion to serve. The conscription crisis was also brought about by outright lies as to just how disasterous the various campaigns went from 1914-16. The Allies, to put it bluntly, were bleeding white due to the imbelicilities of the their High command. Had the populace had a true understanding, it would've demanded.

Fourth, anyone's who's read my blog post on France knows quite well that I'm a vehement anti-centralist and I'm quite supportive of Chirac's efforts to decentralize France in the face of great skepticism by others. Further, I'd deeply bemused by John and Antonio's criticism of the French exterminating the Provençal language in light of the fact that they're supporters of a political party that's very hostile to the peripheral nationalities. While the party has never harboured any interest to wipe out the regional languages; its leadership has had no compunction in slandering the president of one regional governments during the most recent elections or fruitlessless undermining the language's unity of another lingustic minority. In fact, I'm quite hostile towards the French in the matter of its treatment of its linguistic minorities.
Fifth, the other reasons, issue, that John and Antonio advance as to why the Francophonie has nothing to offer aren't rude at all; just frankly beside the point. The British didn't invite the various Indian states to play a game of futbol to resolve the Munity; nor undertake a rugby tour in Africa to conquer the southern portion of the continent from the Zulus, Xhosa and Boers. None of the colonial powers particularly distinguished themselves there and the evidence is that many of the ex-colonies are basket cases.

I won't defend French actions in the postwar but some background history is important. A book titled Allies at War provides some eye opening information notably that de Gaulle and French soldiery that decided to continue the war in exile were shunted aside by Roosevelt. His Administration had no difficulty in maintaining relations with Vichy France; in fact, Roosevelt favoured Darlan and did everthing to convince him to pass to the Allied's cause. Darlan played for time, and in my own view suckered the American president. Darlan's assassination made de Gaulle the defacto leader.

Roosevelt towards of his life had developed an animus towards de Gaulle that escalted into a personal vendetta.

The Americans played a small role in the French defeat in Indochina. The Americans prohibited the French from transferring any American military equipment that the latter recieved from the former. It was clear that the French would lose the war but the denial of critical military equipment played a factor in the French's abject defeat. So much so that the Americans had to fill the vaccum in Vietnam shortly afterwards. James Bennett brought to my attention that during the Algerian conflict, the Americans prohibited the French from transferring its NATO troops to fight in Algeria. I'm very curious to find out if the American behaved in the same manner towards the British during the Malaysian war of 1946-61.

My goal was to throw back the same attitude that some of the more idiotarian commentators made. Whether the jingoistic bloggers and commentators like it or not, the democratic Francophone countries are as much a target as the Anglosphere. To those islamojishadists, they're just obverse sides of the same 'immoral' civilization which must be obliterated. I'm disappointed by the official policies and statements advanced by the Francophone governmental official but insulting each other doesn't advance the war aims of destroying the islamojishadists.


Britannia doesn't always rule: citizen can't name top 5 leaders

This tidbit comes via Andrew Sullivan I have to agree with him that this study does put a useful antidote to the Anglophila as well as the chest thumping Anglospherism that the blogosphere articulates.
I'm somewhat consternated by the implications of this report; it gives the false impression that the average Brit's support for the war effort and the potential invasion of Iraq is nothing but the result of Fleet st manipulations of public opinion and the Hollywoodization of British society. Of course that's not the case.

En défense de Charles Johnson

Hier MSNBC avait publié une liste des blogues. Dans celle-ci, Anil Dash mentionnait le site de Charles comme un site d'haine. J'ai été étonné car je suis près les articles, les commentaires et j'y participe. En fait, j'y ai même envoyé d'articles qu'il a postés. Donc, Anil Dash devra me denoncer et mon blogue ainsi que tous les autres bloggeurs, lecteurs, commentateurs qui lui en ont envoyé.
Qu'il y a des têtes réchaufées qui écrivents des commentaires plus stupides que provactitive ne vaillent l'étiquette: site d'haine. Charles nous rend un énorme service lorsqu'il a exposé, et expose toujours, des informations de grande importance telle que un vrai site d'haine: les forums Clearwater ou la découverte de sermon impartis par les imams lors de les prières de vendredi ou encore les vérités maquillées de John Bradely- rédacteur-en-chef d'Arabnews
Je soupçonne que ce sont ces découvertes-là ainsi que les débats vifs et parfois vulgaires qu'irritent Dash tellement. Mais tant pis! La revolution blogue se poursuvira et sites comme Charles nous rendent un grand service dans le droit et devoir de se renseigner auprès les événements et thèmes de nous jours.


On the Francophone summit and American commentary: enough's enough!

I read Charles Johnson's post on the Francophonie summit inBeriut I'm as appalled as many of the commentators are of both Chirac and Chrétien who squander a once in a lifetime opportunity to give the Arab and African states a blunt no shitter about their present plight and that the only way to get out of their abject circumstances is to embrace the values of the open society, tolerance, elections, free market economic system, etc etc.
However, reading through the comments, I became so inscensed at the facile sleers, cheapshot and sneering at the democratic countries of the Francophonie that it's time for an intemperate outburst and slap you commentators with a cosh.

Yeah you heard me right.

I'm fed up with the nasty, meanspirited jingoism that currently pervades the American psyche. You accord yourselves the font of brilliance, the most innovate, the smartest, the most beautiful. In sum the belly button of the world. You aren't the only one's to know what's at stake in the present war with the islamojihadists.
I've tried to reconciliate the America and the rest of the west through some of my articles but enough's enough. I'm frankly wasting my time preventing the fatal divisions that'll make this war a long and agonising one to win because ignoramuses like you don't want help- particularly from the democratic Franchophone countries lest they 'wussify' the Americans around the school playground world

Moreover, when some of you comment about Quebec, France or the other democratic Francophone countries- shut the fuck up! Most of you don't know these countries and some of you make it a gleeful point of being blissfully ignorant of your geographical neighbour to the north. So does us a favour shut the fuck up, sit down and learn!

Antagonize the democratic Francophone populace enough and they'll just ignore you; worse they won't help you The majority of the Francophones in the democratic countries support America but that doesn't mean from time to time they won't kick its ass when it gets too insufferable

Great minds think alike: Matt Welch and Americas superpower status
Matt Welch's latestarticle resonates with what I've been complaining about via America's demands for the NATO/Allied countries to increase their defense spending but not to challenge American military preeminence.
Great minds think alike on the important issues of the day.
I've expressed great consternation that the American government is unncessarily antagonizing the NATO/Allied countries. The former hamstring the latter from pursuing legitimate national interest policies for fear that these will challenge America in the future. The result is a growing resentment that the NATO/Allied countries- except Britian- will become nothing but bellboys and water carriers for the American military; at the same time, the American resent the perception of Allied freeloading but can't adopt policies that would compel them to take responsibility for their own defense.
It's unfortunate because American highhandedness towards its allies' legitmate interests will do more to aggravate the divisions between the Allies and America than the islamojihadists.
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