L'édito du Figaro
Charles Lambroschini articule très bien la
ménaces qu'Al Qaida représente au monde. Les intégrants de cet organizme disposent encore des millards et des subordonés prêts à éxecuter les ordres de leurs supérieurs. On ne doit jamais sous-estimé la malvolence d'Al Qaida. Les membres haïssent le monde surtout l'Occident. Ils sont prêts à n'importe quoi pour l'aboutir à un défait total. Rien n'est tabou pour les membres d'Al Qaida
Néanmons, le but du bin Laden, de rétablir le calipaht peut devnir son talon achilles car c'est une rêve qui regarde à derrière et non pas en devant, Voilà le paradoxe de l'islamisme intégriste. Ses adhérents veuillent rétourner le monde au 7
e siècle tout en bénéficant de la technologies, armes et science du 21
ième. Une impossibilité
The real Beverly Hillbillies: TV decadent
Other bloggers have commented about CBS' new
show My rage is rather different. It's directed at the boneheaded executives who lack any shred of originality. Indeed ever since Suvrivor became a hit, it was predictible as water boiling at 100 C that the other network executives would stampede all over themeleves trying to not only copy the formula but to make it even more outrageous. If they could've gotten away with it, they'd've presented a flat out porno reality show. Uuu look at me! I'm the coolest exec with the baddest show!
Sometimes I'm glad that the CRTC protects me from the worst excess of American cultural trash. What riles me so much is how morally dead these executives are. They lack the temperance to control their worst impulses and foist their depravity on the viewing public.
While the viewers aren't totally innocent, they're facilitators. They egg on the network exectives to succumb to our basest appetites and oppress reason. Nonetheless, the executives are given huge responsibilties and are paid a pharonic salary; so the least they could do is fulfil some modicum of good sense.
The profit motive shouldn't crowd out other considerations when choosing television programs.
America should listen!
Why should Americans
listen to its ostensible Arab allies? They have a conflict of interest. They don't want an occupied Iraq because it would cause a strategic metamorphosis that would sweep them into the garbage can of history.
Further, the Arab regimes deep down want America to suffer a catastrophic attack based on some weapon of mass destruction.The rant against America's support of Israel is wearisome. The Arab offer nothing because they have nothing constructive to contribute. Appeasment and bribes are their preferred methods with deal with with tyrants and bandits. Those methods are so successful in deterring agressive regimes.
Palestinan gratitude: slandering the Jericho wardens
America and Britian are threatening to withdraw their
wardens after some members of Palestinan Autourity accused the wardens of working with Israel. Some gratitude. Some of the worst
scum terrorists are under house arrest- a mild form of prison- and the Palestinan Authourity expresses its gratitude by insulting the wardens. No doubt that Bush is just compiling a paper roll of black marks against the Authourity and when it least expects it'll be so heavily sanctioned that it'll never recover.
La Fiscalía busca a cerrar las oficinas de Batasuna afuera del país
La Vanguardia informa que el Fiscal General intenterá cerrar las oficinas de
Batasuna al extranjero, principalmente a Francia.
La primera pregunta que surge es si se puede hacer. Segun el correspondete de la Vanguadria, sí pero hay procedimientos a seguir. Además, dado que se ha suprimido las fronteras a través el Tradado de Schemen, presumo que una sentencia judicial tiene eficacia en los otros paises miebros de la Union. Es a ver y será muy interesante a ver como se desarrollará este nueva política de ilegalizar Batazuna a todos azimutos.
Saudi custom authourities hard at work: confiscating Israeli made goods
In their continuing efforts to stem Israeli
imports The Saudi Finance ministry is stepping up enforcement against the importation of Israeli goods. Well that's a problem because due to the progressive globalization of the world economy, many products have multi countries of origins. A car is a classic example. So Saudi customs can crack down all it wants but it'll soon realize that it's futile. The whole reason that Israeli good are secretly imported despite the public ban is because they're convenient, affordable and high quality. Stuff you can't anywhere else in the Mideast because no other country but Israel has a manufacturing base capable of producing goods and exporting them. If customs becomes too efficient, the Saudi economy will regress and the merchants will put an end to the counterproductive strategy.
The loss of intellectual stimulation
Annie Nassem laments the loss of intellectual
stimulation in Saudi Arabia. She visited a bookstore and reports that most Saudis like to buy Western cultural products- books, magazine, videos, etc and decries that Saudi culture is slowly being subsumed by an 'alien' culture and the growing uniformity in global communications. Frankly, what's worth preserving in Saudi culture? There's nothing compelling about it. If the Saudis want to compete in the global cultural market they'll have to undertake some societal reforms which the society simply won't consent to. Notably a certain freedom of expression free from religious, tribal and social censorship; a certain amount of tolerence for dissenting, conflicting and even hetrodoxic opinions. Trusting both the writers, photographers, actors, directors to exercice their crafts and for the the readers, spectators and audiences to be the ultimate judges in matters of taste and popularity.
Until such attitudinal transformations occur, it's futile to lament about the lack of intellectual stimulation because that's what the regime wants.
Una banda copià 60 000 tarjetas al peatge A 7
L,Avui ens informa d'un crim
singular Una banda havia aconseguit a robar i falsifiscar les dades d'uns 60 000 targetes als peatges de A7. Es algú horrorós que una banda poguin robar la banda magnètica i contrefer noves cartes falsificades. Els Mossos calculen el prejudici economic criminal a uns 6 millions d'euros. Però la costa es pujarà perquè nones 200 de les victímes ho saben i denuncieren a les autoritats policials. Els Mossos ja han enviades les llistes a les instituciones financeres per què avisen llurs clients que han sigudes victímes.
Papa opinina que l'única manera de dissaduir aquest tipus de crim es de fotre'ls fort. La sofisticació d'aquest crim es per amaravellar-se però el bon treball de detecció ha previngunt que continués de manera eterna
Fighting against 'slander'
Arabnews trumpets a new campaign against
'slander' that the American meeting is alledging perpetuating against the Arab/Modelm states. I'm rather bemused that the new entity will soon put out a documentary which purpotrt to show how Islamic civilization has historically treated women and minorities. It'l be harder to convince Americans about the good treatment of minorities when the Sudan and Indonesia persecutes Christians. With respect to the former, again, it'll be hard to convince Americans when they're familiar with the restrictions that Saudi place on their womem or the brutal tribal justice meted out in Pakistan. True they may have nothing to do with Islam so the campiagners will have to answer a difficult question of how come Islam doesn't seem capable to overcome abhorrent tribal customs.
Finally, it'll be interesting to see how the Saudi lawyers respond to the pending civil pursuit. The plaintiffs' lawyers are probably rubbing their hands for any evidence that might serve their cause.
In any case, I welcome the campaign as the Saudis will have to be more saavy and sophisticated than they've demonstrated so far.
Busco feina
Inspirat per altres bloggers que han publicat llurs ofertes de treball, us dono la meva:
Puc treballar com: recercador, analista, periodista, professor, i si cal omplir una necessitat temporària, traductor.
parlo i escric quatre llengües: anglès, francès, castellà i català.
En aquest moment soc professor d'anglès pels adultes francofóns als dominis comercial/professional. També soc redactor en col.laboració al siti Penguinista Un lloc de notícies/comentaries sobre l'informàtica, la tecnològia i la societat. Al mateix temps, exerceixo com a moderador dels fòrums USNETS francofóns de l'empresa Corel. Corp. Soc igualment moderador al WP Universe El més gran centre no-oficial sobre Wordperfect i el seu suite.
Sé ben bé que els meus talents i coneixements sont eclétics; però, si busqueu una persona qui pogui comunicar amb el nord-americans soc l'home. Tanmateix, si hi hauria altres oportunitats força interessants, n'estic obert.
M'agradaria quedar-me a Quebec però si m'offrísseu un mutació per restablir-me a fora de Quebec, inclòs-hi del país que em sigui viable financiàriament, agrederia discutir-ho.
Em podeu posar en contacte a:ací
Gràcies per vostre interès. Atentament
Saudi startegy for sustainable development: the west pays
Arabnews reports the statements by the Saudi Commerce
Leaving aside the platitudes, I was bemused to read how the Saudis and other Arab oil producing states rejected the Euro-Mediterranean proposal that the former set aside 20% of a fund for clean energy research. Of course they would. In their perspective, it's the West's fault. Only its people had the scientic and technological imperialism to discover how to extract this black slick and transform it into an energy source and other derivatives that have made the Arab oil producing countries astronomically rich. It's the West's fault that it consumes so much of the oil; so it's their problem Further, some Arab oil producing states are too busy funding extremist religious schools and charities that act as a subversive catalyst in host countries to bother with such banal research.
Finally, as 'less developped countries' the Kotoyo treaty provisions aren't as onerous to the Arab oil producing states so they have no compelling reason to underwrite clean burning energy research.
Bradley on Oren's Six Days, War: The bootlicking lapdog yelps
Bradely has been let out of the kennel to go out and sic a new victim. The target is Michael Oren's highly acclaimed book on the Six Days War What a pathetic, hateful diatribe. There's no pretense of even taking the book on its own merits and presenting reasonable disagreements. No, of course not; rather, the book serves as a point of departure for the ever so tiersome rants and ravings about Israel as a colonialist, terrorist, militaristic entity that has never had any right to exist yet persists despite the various attempts to wipe it off the map.
He's deeply offended that Oxford University press had the temerity to publish in his mind 'a thinly veiled Zionist propaganda.'
If ?Six Days of War? had been published in Israel, or had been marketed as a manifestly polemical undertaking by a commercial publisher elsewhere, none of this would be noteworthy. Everyone, of course, is entitled to their opinion, however extreme and misguided. However, Oren?s book appeared from Oxford University Press (OUP), the world?s most prestigious academic publisher whose charter states that every book it publishes must be ratified by academics at Oxford University itself. All of OUP?s titles undergo a vigorous editorial review at the submission stage, including being anonymously read by experts in the field whose comments have then to be taken into account by the author. The idea, when it comes to books such as ?Six Days of War?, is that if it comes from OUP then readers and students can trust it as authoritative and exhaustive. ?Six Days of War? is now likely to establish itself as a major set text for Western students taking courses on the Middle East, and for that reason its loudly trumpeted ?objectivity? and ?brilliance? need to be unmasked. For Oren?s is the kind of flawed, illogical history that even Israel?s handful of New Historians have in recent years openly called into question. In ?Six Days of War?, the founding of Israel is seen as a straight-forward tale of justice, heroism and redemption in the shadow of the Holocaust.
Indeed, he's just beside himself how Oxford U press got suckered. How dare the Zionists! You see their influence is everywhere!! The Palestinans will never ever have their history publioshed by a prestigious Western university press!!!. Never mind the book must've contributed a new appreciataion a cruicial period of history if Oren's draft was vetted by academics and experts. So much so that Oxford U press was willing to publish the book under its imprint. Indeed, not only has there been praise by the Western media but also by readers who bought the book at Amazon. However, I suppose that Bradely is such an experts on Mideast history that he doesn't need to bother disturbing his readers with that tidbit and invite them to read the reviews to make up their own mind. I take the word of an Amazon reviewer over Bradley any day. At least, the former tries to be fair and struggles in articulating any objections he might have. Bradley doesn't have any qualms in bullshitting with fiery rhethoric. The goal is to slander not to interest or to debate.
The rant peaks to a crescendo that the reader simply loses interest by that point. His hatred of Western democracies and their support of Israel provokes spittles of spite. It becomes impossible by the end of the article to take Bradley seriously when he equates the Israeli Defense Forces as the chief terrorist outfit and Israel as a colonalist crime. Bradely had singularly failed to persuade me or any of his more curious readers about his disagreements about the book's thesis, analysis and conclusions. He's contributed nothing of value or interest but I guess that was the goal.
His review bores me. It merely reinforces an unimaginative, bigoted, loathsome hateful man who just couldn't care less about his trade
Why I don't like comics but bandes desinées
At the risk of incensing comic book conaisseurs, I want to define my terms in order to avoid any misunderstandings. I exclude from my definition of comics such popular titles such as Charlie Brown, Garfield, Dilbert and other commercial-oriented books.
My reasons for excluding them is that the comic connaisseurs don't regard them as 'proper, 'authentic' or 'real' comics. Bandes dessinées, herafter BDs, refer to the non-North American. I also exclude titles that are geared primarly for children such as Bill et Boule. I recommend to the readers to refer to the Amazon search engine above this post to locate any BD titles that I'll cite in the course of this essay.
Comics: ugly, grotesque and bizarre.
Ugliness, the grotesque and bizarness chracterize contemporary comics. Whenever I have a chance to peruse a comic, I'm struck at how ugly they are. Indeed, looking at their drawings, colouring even their design, I'm struck by the mass produced feel they display as if they were Archie or Richie Rich titles.
The comics' ugliness leads in turn to grotesque stories/plots that make sense only through bizarre characters. X-Men is a good example of what I have in mind. The main message is about tolerance of the mutant (aka the Other) but do the characters have to be so bizarre to make the writers' point? I find the plots frankly grotesque as it's a singular failure of imagination whenever the writers/illustrators introduce apocalyptic stories, parallel universes, extreme violence and the like. The stories and plots in a given copy of Spiderman, Superman, Justice league of America are astonishingly homogenous in their uniformity. So much so that I'm disinterested in the characters and what happens to them. The stories and plots revolve around the small series of repititious themes: the tension between being a member of a larger community and their desire to do as they please; the self-indulgent psychologism, the shrill sermonizing for tolerance to the exclusion of all other virtues and vices.
A further consequence of the ugly, the grotesque and the bizarre in comics is the utterly incompetent synthesis of the fantastic. The synthesis jars, is contradictory, incoherent and profoundly unbelievable. I also object to the constant references to the occult, neopaganism and the denigration of religion as nothing but conspiritorial lies to cloak a totalitarian will to power. These referencs are gratuitously antagonistic and often ill serve the story or plot line.
Language suffers as a result of the ugly, grotesque and bizarre. The utterly uniform homogenity combined with the inept synthesis of 4 millenia of story telling reduces the power, beauty and art of words, writing and illustration to sterile, trite, inspid, unimaginative clichés. The writing and illustrations fail to move, persuade, convince and entertain. Once could conclude that the writers, in particular, would be more respectful with teh tools of their trade. Unfortunately, the writers seem to be too enamoured with postmodern, non-linear narratives, semotics and other trendy fads rather than subit as apprentices to the hard, tedious and demanding master of good writing. One last obersvation, isn't it significant that the comics are often sealed in plastic bags? A book's value isn't in just how pristine but if they're read. Sealing the comics in plastic raises suspicions doesn't it?
Bandes dessinées: less as more
BDs are dramatically the opposite of comics. The characters are more plausible, the stories and plots are less grotesque and the esthetics are more pleasing.
A good example is Largo Winch. A petty thief who inherits a multi billion dollar business empire when his dad disappears. The plots are full of intrigue, machinations and humour; the characters are recognizable types and the bad guys, especially the bizarreone get their deserved outcome bu the end of the story. The writers even respect language and it shows through with te dialogue an ddescriptions.
Even those BDs that deal with the fantastic are heads above their comic counterparts. There's simply no comparasion between Ghost, Witchblade and Tomb Raider with Le Testament secret, la Décalogue or Aria. The latter are far superior in their synthesis of the fantastic and the writers show a much broader cultural outlook. Even Bob Morane- which I viscerally dislike- is internally more coherent with its forays into the occult and paranormal than say Witchblade.
Consequently BDs are more fun to read. Further each series is distinct. Readers won't confuse Blueberry with Largo Winch nor could either be mistaken for Gypsy or Alberan. The only BD series that contravenes the general rules against the grotestque, the bizarre and the ugly is Requiem. The language is well written and the fantastic and the bizarre are well integrated but I'm disturbed by mindnumbing violence as well as how the grotesque the story is. I hope that Requiem doesn't start a trend for others within the BD community to outdo the series. One's enough.
Conclusion:how to restore the comics' former glory
The comic book artists and illustrators should look back to the Golden and Silver ages of comics to ascrtain why comics had the impact that they did. The first lesson is a return to some social realism. Hence the consequent reduction of the ugly, grotesque and the bizarre to its minimalist expression. Second lesson, get back to basics and tell the readers a story without literary conceits of parallel universes and other lazy plot devices. Third lesson, the writers must reacquiant themselves with words; illustrator with art. Finally, make the comic a work of illustrative and literary art once again.
Looking for work
Inspired by William Quick's job request posted at his blog, here's mine:
I have strong writing and speaking skills. I can work as a researcher, writer, analyst, reporter, teacher and, if the need arises, translator. I speak four languages: French English, Spanish and Catalan. I can work in the European Union without requiring a work visa for foreign workers.
I'm a currently an English language teacher for adult Francophone students within a commercial/professional environment. I'm also a contributing editor at the Penguinista a news/comment site covering technology and society. I'm knowledgeable with computers and software as I'm the moderator for the French language USENET forums for Corel Corp. I'm also one of the the moderators at the WP Universe the largest unofficial resource site for Wordperfect/Wordperfect suite.
My skills and talents are rather ecletic but, for example, if you need a researcher to find information, I'm your guy. If there are any more interesting possibilities, I'd be happy to know about them
I'd like to stay in Quebec but if someone offers me a package that would make relocation financially viable outside of the province, or even the country, I'd be happy to discuss the particulars.
You can contact me here
Thank you for your interest.
Offre de service
Inspiré par des bloggeurs qui ont postés leurs offre de services, voici la mienne:
Je peux travailler comme recherchiste, analyste, enseignant, journaliste, et, si nécessaire afin de combler un besoin témporaire, traducteur. Je parle et j'écris quatre langues dont le français, l'anglais, l'espangol et le catalan. Je peux travailler à l'Union européenne sans nécessité d'un permis de travail pour un travailleur étranger.
Présentement, je suis enseignant d'anglais aux étudiants adults francophones qui travaillent dans les domaines commercial/professionel. Je suis également rédacteur en collaboration au site Penguinista Un site qui spécialise dans les nouvelles/commentaires à l'égard de l'informatique, la téchnologie et la société. En plus, je suis modérateur aux forums francophones USENET de Corel Corp et je suis l'un de modérateur au WP Universe Le plus grand site non-officiel de ressources pour Wordperfect et son suite.
Mes connaissances sont écletiques néanmoins si vous cherchez quelqu'un à enseigner l'anglais aux étudiants, je suis votre homme. Cependant, si il y a d'autres occasions encore fort intéressantes, je serai ravi de les connaître. J'aimerais démeurer au Québec mais si vous me proposez un démenagement qui me serait viable financièrement pour me rétablir hors-Québec, y compris hors-pays, je serais à l'ecoute à toute proposition raisonnable. Vous me pouvez communiquer ici
Je vous rémerci pour votre intérêt et veuillez agréer l'expression de mes sentiments distingués
La ley de los partidos en España se aplica
La Vanguardia en su
artículo describe la aplicacion de la nueva ley de los partidos promulgada lunes. La Ertzaintza ha deslogado las personas dentro las oficinas y centros de Batasuna. Será a ver si ilegalizar Batasuna realmente parará ETA a amagar bombas o cometer otros actos de violencia. Sin embargo supungo que quitar ETA de su presunta fachada política desminuirá la atención médiaca pero lo dudo mucho que cambiará las actutaciones de ETA. Se verá un aumento de violencia.
L'entrada a l'escola: un gran indústria
Ahir, mama i la neboba gran anarien a
Bureau en gros per comprar les matèries necessàries per l'escola segons la llista. En contrast amb Espanya, els nens no compraen els llibres de text obligatoris; son les escoles que els forneixen als estudiants. Tanmateix, hi ha encara coses a comprar com els quaderen, els llapissos, etc. Quan pasava a la botiga per fer fotocòpes, notaba que hi havien molts nens acompants per les mames- majoritàriament eren mames- a comprar les matèries segons la llista. Les escoles angleses i francesas no tenen la mateix llista però, en general, tothom comprar paper i llapisos. Que trobà molt graciós era de veure l'entusiasme dels nens. M'imagino que ells s'il.lusionen per la novetat i podren vangloriar-se devants dels amics de les noves matèries quan es veuren al cole.
Realment, l'entrada a l'escola es un veritable indústria; No sols es vén les matèries escolar als estudiants ans també hi ha la roba tinent en compte que els jovenets crèxien durant l'estiu. Pels més grans hi han els cel.lulars, cadenes d'esteros, teles etc, etc.
Serà molt interessant a sentir a les notícies, les estaditiques de l'activitat econòmica de les vendes al detall.
Woman's lib and Islamic society
Arabnews has published an
article about women's liberation in the Western countries that succumbs to temptation. The gratuitious remark that woman's liberation in the West has led to an escalating domestic violence. I disagree, domestic violence has always existed; it's precisely because women no enjoy the same dignity a a man that the society no longer tolerates her physical or emotional harm.
Perhaps, at the dawn of Islamic civilization women enjoyed better protection in inheritence, possibly treated with generally more respect. However, I'm still struck at how 1400 year of Islamic civilization, we've never come across any queens, scholars, doctors of the ulema, women merchants. By contrats Jews and Christians can point to many women who played prominent and influential roles. Further is it significant that Islamic society despite its dazzling civilizational influence has been unable to overcome tribalism and its cultural outlook towards women?
Why Saudis don't read
I read the same sort of lament in Spain, Italy and France (I suspect Portugual raises a similar complaint) My clichéd analysis is that Mediterranean societies as well as those influenced, or descended from them, have little inclination to read. First, the climate militates against reading. The the continuous sunshine encourages outdoor, face to face type societies whether café or souk cultures. The architype is the public man
Second, the face to face, outdoor societies stimulate the rhetorical arts: the orator and anyone else who can convert words to works of art. These type of societies reward those who are eloquent, linguistically artistic and whose rhetorical skills manifest an almost heroic quality. Note that the salons of the French Enligtenment not established manners but also standardized the spoken and written language and students learnt Cicero's and Demontheones's speeches until the mid-20th century. Bernard Lewis points out that Osama bin Laden is exceptionally eloquent; hence, partially explains his popularity.
Finally, reading is a silent and private affair that open face to face societies discourages because the former obliges a certain detachment from extroverted socializing common to outdoor, face to face societies.
Imposer une nouvelle taxe contre le 4x4: assez!
Dimanche, il avait un article à
la Presse d'où une commentariste a été d'accord d'une proposition du gouvernement à imposer une taxe aux 4x4. Le but c'est à dissauder les gens d'en achéter. Assez c'est assez! Je suis tanné de cette manie moderniste qu'on solutionnera tous les maux du monde à travers la fiscalité.
Cette attitude trahit une mentalité du totalitarianisme moux car on commète de bêtises lorsqu'on infantalise les citoyens. On taxe toute sorte de leurs activités pour les empêcher de faire de mauvaises décisions.Écoutez! Si on veux manger de la nourriture élévée en gras, boire de l'alcool ou n'importe quelle autre activité, laissez-nous-le faire!
Je moque un peu de cette attitude snob car si une personne veut s'achéter un 4x4, le gouvernement en bénéfice au bout de la ligne: primèrement le taxes que le gouvernment perceptera, est infini: il y ales TPS/TVQ, les taxes pour les assurances, taxes chaque fois que l'achéteur fais le plein, etc etc. Les 4x4 enrichisseraient le gouvernement, donc pourquoi prohiber la poule qui donne des ouefs dorés?
L'environment? Québec n'est-il pas un partisain du Kyoto? Dépendence aux pétrol? Qu'on investisse aux sables pétrolier albértains. Mais imposer des nouvelles taxes est vraiment stupide car appaurviser les citoyens pour protéger l'environnment ou réduir notre dépendence pétrolière c'est un moyen d'assurer ni un ni l'autre.
America isn't paranoid
The Saudi ambassador's latestapologiais odious. It's profoundly insulting for a representative of an ostensible ally to charaacterize a fellow ally's political leadership and the citizenry as paranoid. The United States isn't paranoid, it's suffered the worst attack on its territory and attacks its enemies with the righetous fury of its citizenry who have consented to unleash the carnage after much debate and with great reluctance.
The Americans are justified in their rage against their closest allies because they ask an unansweredable question: why do they support such an odious regime and the individual responsible? A question best answered perhaps through philosopohy and theology than through international relations.
It becomes tiresome to read the self congratulatory paeans about Saudi Arabia. I suppose it's because as ambassador must abide by teh diplomatic requirements that an accredited representative in a foreign land must extol his country's virtues no matter vicious (in teh original meaning of full of vice).
The country is neither a source of stability nor moderation. Rather it's a base for subversion; contrary to the ambassador's assertion, wherever Saudi money, imams or religious schools have appeared, the practice of Islam has hardened and became less tolerent.
As for the proof, we only need to read the newspaper on any given day and learn for example of a surprising discovery about a charity in the Balkans that had unusual information such as photos of Western landmarks and curious relations with murky organizations.
The ambassador is quite right that unncessary conflicts with the Americans are too late but for your country, it's too late. Confrontation will occur and it won't be America which suffers.
Alain Fikelkraut et Israël: une voix qui clame contre tous
Merci à
Léo et à
Mangeclous d'avoir lier et publier respectivement l'interview d'
Alain Finkelkraut à l'égard d'Israël. Je partage l'avis de Léo que les propos de Finkelkrauft sont modérés par rapport qu'on lit ou écoute dans les médias français. Je vois une raisonnment équilibré mais non pas aveugle qui fustige par réflex les israëliens avec tous les maux régionaux. Finkelkrauft a raison lorsqu'il critique les intéllo français non seulement de leur aveuglement volontaire mais également dand leur refus d'analyser les événements de façon honnête.