
Why it's hard sometimes to be America's friend

Victor Davis hanson wrote an article that I took great exception. He bomastically carps about how the U.S. really shouldn't bother with Canada because we don't care much about our defense. True but that's frankly besides the point


You see it's really difficult to be very euthusiastic towards the Americans when they slapped 27% tarriffs on our softwood and practically trashed the industry in Quebec and B.C. Sure the dispute has been sort of resolved because the AQmerican government didn't apply its own laws when it imposed the tarrifs. It violated natural justice principles.

Then came the mad cow outbreak. One cow is diagnosed with the disease and the Americans close the market for nearly 3 month. The ban's been lifted.. sort of and the Japnese won't buy our beef. Both countries are out to protect their own inefficient and unproductive beef industries.

Then come the pi?ce de r?sistence: there's a pending bill in the Congress that jeopardizes Canadian defense contractors. The bill is another buy America first for defense contracts. I opine that the law is illegal vis-?-vis Canada given the extensive crossborder treaties that both countries have signed on defense matters. Furthr, there'd be a serious supply problem because at least one of the American military's vehicles: the Marines LAV series of armoured vehicles are built by GM Defense Canada. I bet the Congressmen have forgotten that both countries defense industries are one of th most integreated in the world- and ppre-date Europe. More worrisome is that the Congressmen wil undo an important reform in military procurement: the purchase of NATO/Allied equipment that's better and cheaper than American made items.

La panne d'?l?ctricit?: la commssion bilat?rale

Bon apr?s que les duex cot?s ont arr?t? de se recriminer mutuellement la faute de la grande panne d'?l?ctricit?, les deux pays ?tabliront une commission bilat?rale qui enq?eterait sur les causes et proposer les recommendation pour ?viter quelque chose semblable au futur. Cette commission r?presnte une bonne volont? de r?sourdre un grave probl?me et c'est beaucoup plus pertinente d'accuser l'un ou l'autre d'avoir caus? la panne.

The Power failure in North America: or the block party of 2003

I didn't even know yesterday that a major portion of North America had a power failure until mom turned on the TV news. I guess that's because I live in a different province on a totally different grid.

Nonetheless, it was quite interesting to listen to the news. I really disliked how some of the networks hyped the situation a bit as if it were the apocalypse.

What I thought was the more interesting aspect wasn't so much the speculation, at first, that the blackout might be terrorist related but that ordinary people began to re-order the situation by stepping in and directing traffic or stopping a crime of opportunity in Toronto.

The various acts of spontaneous taking the initiative and not panicking speaks well for both sides of the border. If it had been a terrorist act, I wonder if we would've still been as calm? I would imagine so and there would be a lot of righteous indignation on both sides of the border.

La solemnitat de la festa de l'Assumpci?

Avui es l'Assumpci? i desitjo a tots els bloggers cat?lics, ortodoxos(els hi celebraran uns 11 dies m?s tard) i els altres cristians una bona festa de nostra Senyora que us protegeixi, empari sota son mantell, us beneeixi amb sa gr?cia.

La canicule en France: un bilan sombre

J'ai ?t? fortemet supris du bilan assez sombre de la canicule en France: 3000 morts et l'espaces dans les morgues hospitaliers et aux salons fun?raires sont d?bord?s. Il y a des accusations par les employ?s du secteur sant? que le gouvernement s'ait montr? soit incomp?tent ou indiff?rent faca ? la crise. Sans doute, l'Assembl?e nationale entamera un enqu?te bient?t.


Pirates: Japanese and Western: meandering thought

Nice to see Bill Allison back from vacation. 2 days ago, he posted an really interesting article on Japanese pirates. Reading through the article, I asked myself if the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans ever developed a similar nautical policy of the corsair?

I've written briefly on corsairs, this is an invitation to click to on the various archive links, in response to an old post that Bill wrote on medieval shipmanship. Simply to refresh everyone's mind: a corsair in the Mediterranean basin was a sailor who was given a charter by the public authority to act as raider whose goal was to capture as many ships as possible in order to seize the cargo, ransom the crew, disrupt the 'enemy's trade routes.

Of course, in exchange for the legal authorization to plunder, the public authority would get a share of the spoils. The practice was quite natural and recognized by everyone as a somewhat necessary evil. The corsair was never formally codified into legislation- obviously the public lawyers would point out that the authority would be held civilly responsible and thus be order to pay damages, but the practice was strongly bounded by customary law- the American constitution mentions in passim a practice similar to the corsair in one of the enumerated articles establishing the Congress' powers.

In any case, I'd appreciate any clarifications if the Asiatic countries also developed similar nautical practices

Sauver le Grand prix de Montr?al: l 'autre course

Bon, bon, bon. Je vois que le Montr?al officiel se mobilise pour sauver le Grand prix de Montr?al. C'est une excellente initiative cependant j'esp?re qu'on ne l?che pas les bottes d'Ecclestone. S'il a annul? le Grand prix pour protester la l?gislation anti-tabac, tout le monde doit hausser ses ?paules et dire tant pis. Comme papa a observ? de fa?on acide, ce n'est pas la place d'une entreprise priv? a dict? aucunement l'orientation politique de ce pays ou quiconque d'autre.

La conspiraci? bizarra dels m?ssils anti-aeris

Ahir les autoritats estadaunidenques arrestaren 3 homes dels quals un brit?nic que odia els EE UU. Segons els reportatges, els homes volien fer el contraban de passar m?ssils anti-aeris portables. L'arma en q?esti? es el SA 18 rus que n'es un dels m?s sofisticats. Deixant de banda pel moment, la malevol?ncia del acte, a mi, m'emprenya que aquesta gen planificaven atacar avi?n civil que aterrisarien o s'enlairarissien des d'un aeroport. Al Qu'ida a trobat un punt fluix de les societats obertes: que ens desplacem molt sovint. Abatre avions quan s'en vagin o retornin de viatge es una excel?lent manera d'espantar la gen per? es un acte tan covard tan mesqu? que s'ha d'acabar-ho abans que es comenci.

Qu?bec souhaitera un assouplissement du loi anti-tabac

Une gang de l?ches! Je comprends bien que le gouvernement provincial veut sauver le Grand prix du Canada mais pas au prix d'assouplir la loi anti-tabac qui interdise les commanditaires. C'est pr?cis?ment ce que cherche les entreprise tabac et Ecclestone. Si le provincial fait en sort de convaincre le f?d?ral ? assouplir cette l?gislation, j'exige que le premier abolisse toute interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics. Honn?tement, c'est pr?cis?ment du comportement comme ?a d'o? les politiciens sont pr?ts ? abandonner leurs principes pour le maudit fric. Un moment donn?, les politicien doivent faire un peu d'effort ? soutenir leurs principes m?me si tous le monde les y oppose. On respecterait beaucoup plus le politiciens.

NATO takes over the ISAF

Today, NATO takes over the ISAF. Operationally, the ISAF now comes under the allied Forces North (AFNORTH ) At the tactical level, German wil command followed by a Canadian deputy. Canada will have 1900 troops the second largest contingent after the Germans (3000) It'll be very interesting to see how the NATO ISAF will do . In the meantime, Good luck to the Canadian and German troops.
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