
The Kenyean bombing: upping the ante

One of the nice advantages of blogging is that I don't need to be topical all the time. The Kenyean bombing and the attempted destruction of a civilian airliner by anti-aircraft missile is a case in point. When I first heard about the attacks I shook my head; especially with the missile attack. SA 7 Grails (Grail is the NATO code name and if you notice all the anti-aircraft missile nicknames start with the letter G) aren't the world's most accurate missiles but they're effective against civilian airlines as they have no protection.

Al Qua'ida has certainly upped the ante by this audacious attack. From now on any creep with a grievance will simply take out a civilian airplane. Further the attack comes at a bad time for the airline companies: United is on the brink of bankruptcy and any requirement to add chaff dispenser or other anti-missile defense will totter the company out of business.
Unfortunately for Al Qua'ida, they've just compelled the airports to militarize themselves. Another precedent is that the airport executives will hire, train and equip armed policemen who's sole goal is to patrol the airports; and if necessary kill any intruder, infilitrators or sabatoeurs


As usual, the military has always guarded its airport and hence accumulated a lot of experience. In fact the American and British airforces have their own airport police: the USAF security force and the British RAF regiment. I'm sure that other NATO/Allied countries also have their own military airport security forces.In any case, I suspect such terrorists attacks will be unlikely in OECD countries airports as they'll have created such a force immediately. I'll bet the other bloggers that we'll have a news item that NATO will assume security for some of the alliance's most critical civilian airports, offer to train their security forces on perimetre defense and codify everything under a STANAG document.

Els saudis amenacen els americans a través les inversions

Arabnews ha publicada una amenaça que els saudis podrian panicar i repatriar llurs inversions del EE UU a casa o traslladar-les amb altres països. Els saudis hauran de tenir molt cura de no alienar més els americans. Ja estan prou xocats sobre les revelacions de com la dona de Bandhar hagués donat diners a 2 conspiradors dels atemptats de 11 Sept i ara amb aquesta amença els americans l'intepretaran com a un acte de guerra economic. Per mi l'elit saudí malestima el fet que els americans s'farten progressivament del règim i guarden sopreses bastant amarges per la família real saudina.

Le Canada s'en va a la merde

Je partage les sentiments de Collin que le pays s'en va à la merde et que les commentaires du Ducros sur Bush exposent une décadence du pays. Ça fait des annéées que les Canadiens sentent que le pays va au muavais chemin mais ils ne peut pas le chamger de son trajet. La raison c'est une malaise due à deux choses: le peur et le découragement. La peur parce que les gent présument que le fonctionnariat, les gouvernments, les média et les tribunaux sont contre la personne ordinaire. Regarde ce qui est passé avec Stockwell Day pendant les éléctions de '98 ou Conrad Black qui avait rénoncé sa citoyenneté parce que Chrétien niait de de faire une exception au loi qui interdisait l'acceptation des titres anglais refroidit l'ardeur de quiconque à contrarer les élites ou même proposer des alternatives par rapport aux idées reçues
Il y a aussi le découragement puisque le Canada est l'une de démocraties les plus rigide socialement. Passe que ce que passe, les débats constitutionnels interminables qui n'ont jamais réussi; le refus d'abaisser la pression fiscale, le pillage des fonds publics, le refus d'augmenter les dépense de la défense, le rapport recent de Romanow qui carrément exclut la participation du secteur privé dans le reforme du santé, l'oligarchie- que ça soit étatique, médiatique, ou societaire- reuissit à toujours empêcher tout débat qui daigne contredire le discours dominant, sa pensée hégémonique, ses moeurs. Donc, le stamina du structure oligarchie du pays sappe la confiance de gens et ils en finit en adoptant un certain quietisme- laissez-nous tranquilles, ne nous opprimiez pas trop fiscalement et assurez-nous les services sociaux et faites qu'est ce que vous voulez on veut rein savoir.
C'est profondement triste à voir un pays assez decent avec de gens fiers de se voire reduit à une silence et une aliénation de plus en plus criante.

Nigerian archbishop sanction self-defense by Christians

In the gee no kidding department an Nigerian archbishop has said that it's licit for Christians to defend themselves and fight back and protect their lives and property. Regular readers know that I've stated categorically that the Christians in predominantly Moslem countries are progressively fed up at being the easy targets everytime the islamojihadists want to take out their frustrations or whatever.
The fact that Nigerian Christian fought back during the rioting over the Miss World contest is a forewarning of what will happen elsewhere. The fanatics think they'll kill, bomb or steal with impunity Christian lives and property but will soon find themselves with guns turned towards them.

Happy Thanksgiving!

To my American visitors and readers: Happy Thanksgiving!
To Cinderfeller Blogger: que t'escanyes amb turrons amb prèferencia: alacant
for being the supreme pubah of the Axis of Porcel.

¿Censurar els autors de llibres malescrits?

Hi ha un article del Arabnews.com d'on el articulista vol que els club literaris demanden els autors de llbres malescrits
Cervantes proposava la mateix caosa en el Quijote però ningú l'hagué fet cas. Avui dia un tal propost es estupida i no em refereixo perque en la societats democràtic guarantirem els drets de publicació i d'expressió d'opinio si no més que el fet que alguns autors bons escriuen una obre terrible en llurs carreres i si sancionéssim les editorials o els clubs literaris, discoratgariem bons autors potentials. Pitjor del meu punt de vista, es que com a professor d'anglès com llengua segona, si no poguessí trobar i donar còpies de novel.les malescrites ¿Com aprenderien? Orwell ell matiex no haguéessi pogut escruire el seus assiagos classics sobre la llengua i l'ideològia.
Ademées exaspera una mica que l'articulista vogui prtegir les lectors de las llibres; ¿sap què? Es meu que elslectors lleixen pel seu compte i decideix si els hi agraden o no i disputar els mèrits de les obres.


Thoughts on the Nigerian riots

Real life has a way of intruding on on blogging. Also I didn't have much to say until now. I've been thinking about the riots in Nigeria over the Miss World competition. Personally, I couldn't care less about the competition but I found the Moslem reaction to be totally crass.

Provoking riots and rampaging around town and now a death sentence against the journalist merely reinforce a growing hardness of the heart against all Moslems. Also, I'm deeply disgusted by the betrayal of the Western clercs who are stampeding to become the capos of the concentration camps. They hate the very freedoms that allow them to pontificate on every subject under the sun no matter how outrageous; yet they prefer to have the boot push their faces into the shit and praise the camp guard for doing so.

Unfortunately for the clercs and the islamojihadists, the freedom loving peoples around the world won't cave in; so I guess you'll just have to kill us but be forewarned you've already made too many enemies and you die instead.

L'abolition du sous noir

Ici au Québec on appelle le centième, le sous noir en raison de l'oxidation du cuivre qui le rend noir. En tout cas, je ne vois aucument la nécéessité de le produire ad infinitium. C'est une pièce totalement cadaque dans nos temps. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi le fédéral ne bat pas des pièce de 50 et 75 sous. Ceux deux sont beaucoup plus utiles et on pourrait facilement exposer tous les inventions d'origienne canadienne pour les 50 sous et les événements historiques qui ont forgé le pays pour le 75. Les gent les apprecieront ces deux pièces-là et il seront ravi de se débarraser du sous noir.

A story of deportation:I really don't care

This Sad Sack about how the columnist was deported because he broke the law leaves me indifferent. It was unfortunate that he lost his passport and under Saudi law, he was obliged to stay there for 2 years and interrupt his studies. He made a conscious decision to break the law so too bad for him. I can understand his protests at the harsh prison conditions but after 11 Sept I empathize more with the American authourities especially what's happened since then; even more since the revelation that the partial funding of 11 Sept may potentially have accomplices at the highest levels of the Saudi regime. Further, he's much luckier than the foreign prisoners held in Saudi jails. At least, he wasn't tortured or forced to mouth fake confessions on TV. He was jailed and deported. Perhaps, one day he'll be allowed back; perhaps not but when you break the law and get caught there are immediate sanctions. These are sobering reminders of individual responsibility.

The cult of creativity

Eve's latest post on Miss Manner's book on etiquette and the need to be creative when expressing congratualtions, sympathy or condolences. It was Eve's remark about creativity that inspired this post.

A pet peeve of mine with modern society is this grating compulsion to be creative at all times under all circumstances. Worse, is that it compels us to have a talent that's either not there or simply can't be refined enough to the level of the great artists. So why push us to such heroic standards? Finally, that attitude of always being creative reminds me of Glenn Caudill Dealy's two books: The Public Man and The Latin Americans (both out of print unfortunately) whereby he points out to his readers that if there's one thing that monolithically Catholic societies can't stand is a prodigal show off; whereas the historically Protestant regime basically demand compel it. I suspect that difference is due to the latter's democratic impulses which puts into practice the admonition that all are equal before God; hence creativity is given equally to all; if one is creative it's because of sin or laziness that impede its manifestation. Historically monolithic Catholic society concluded the opposite: the creativity is elitist and that only a small number will have it so there's no worry if one isn't creative; he or she will contribute in another fashion.

Bush as a moron comment

By now, we've not only hard about the comment and the subsequent resignation by Ducros but we Canadians have eaten it. All I have to say is that I'm glad she gone; it was simply intolerable for a person at her rank to make such crass and gauche comments about a foreign leader- and a close ally at that. However, I'm bemused at how the American commentariat- bloggers included- latched on to the story like lampreys on a shark. If only the commentariat had shown the same zeal torwards other more pressing issues like the possible official Saudi funding of 11 Sept.


Bosses: can't live with them but they can

You'd think that businesses would learn that massive layoffs actually cause them to lose money in the long run.

The west doesn't fuel terrorism:

Arabnews oftimes publishes spurious articles that just demand refutation. First, I'm sick to death of reading and hearing about the deep root causes of Moslem anger. It's bullshit; they're the one who have great difficulty coexisting with their non-Moslem neigbours. Second, they're the ones committing a lot of the injustices or is killing parishoners in churches; rioting over a silly beauty pageant, killing a missionary who helped preagant women in difficulty and blowing up tourists justified by the religion. Third, the Arabs, in particular, had better realize that no one will ever bother with peace and justice for the Palestinans until they stop murdering civilians. In the end, the world has written off the Palestinans and have left them to their fate of being progressively ground down to impotence.
Finally, the proposition that non-military means are more effective have been refuted by the Clinton administration's policy of ignoring the threat of islamojihadism.

Hatred of beauty: sign of totalitarianism

We've all familiar with the riots in Nigeria over the Miss World contest. I remember reading an Internet article where the rioters were allegedly heard to have said; Down with beauty. If it's confirmed than it's proof positive that islamojihadism is totalitarian. All totalitarian movements hate beauty because it's something universal- everyone recognizes it and various cross cultural studies done at various times show a surprising consistency through the elapse of time. How else does one explain how Japanese tourists are drawn to Gaudí's works or American collectors for ancient Chinese vases and on and on?
Of course, the islamojihadists hate beauty because it impedes the fanatical destruction of all that's not kosher licit by their interpretation of the Qu'ran. The Islamojihadists want to rule over a berfret of beauty but as the communists learnt: no matter how much concrete you pour a flower will grow through the cracks.
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