Oooops early reports that Polish troops found shiny, brand new Roland anti-aircraft missles were all wrong The reason is that the the missile question is the Roland-2 hasn't been produced since '95 by the French.
I'm beginning to wonder if the anti-French bashing has finally jumped the shark with this embrassement. Since the end of the war, there's been a unstated policy that the Americans just have it in for the French.
So from time to time, we'd get these sensational headlines that some American or Coalition unit found some French weapon that appeared to have been very recently manufactured. There'd be a flurry of comments about French perfidy...then the the headline would fade away for lack of hard evidence. Unfortunately, trying to pin France as the main sanction busting mastermind is both futile as it unseamly. Anti-French bashing is increasingly making the Americans look stupider each time.With all due respect to Joe Versailles can't be completely pinned on the French. The British were just as keen to ensure that Germany never rose again to challenge British hegemony. Also America played an influential role because Wilson's totally idealistic policy of national self-determination complicated Europe's ability to settle with the post-war period.
National self-determination fatally weakened the Eastern European states' political viability and facilitated the rise of authouritarian governments as well as making them vulnerable to Nazi and Soviet pressures. Indeed, in a perverse sort of way, Versailles had a similar effect to the Berlin Conference of 1895 when the European powers divided up Africa without bothering to take into account the demographic or ethnic distribution of the regions they so casually divvided up.
Except that the Versailles treaty was one factor that led to the Second World war. Further, there was a consensus among the victorious allies to impose reparations as well as the war guilt on Germany. Other than a few precient observers like Foch and Keynes, as well as the Germans; no one objected; on the contrary, everyone was eagerly rubbing their hands. It's one thing to advocate the non-payment of past debt on the grounds that it's odious; but to transpose France's responsibility for the Versailles Treaty disaster on present day Iraq is both disingenious and irrelevant to the issue at hand.
Whittle's essay on power Undoubtedly it's because he provides intellectual sustenance to the jingopundits about America's mission throughout the world as well as excluding Western Europe and Canada from Western civilization:
They have traded in their power, their means of self-defense, for 35 hour work weeks and months of paid vacations and pre-paid health care and covered it with a patina of moral superiority that masks a rotten and tottering foundation. They have become cultures unwilling to pay the price to defend themselves, cultures so pessimistic and cynical that they have � literally and without rhetorical flourish � lost the will to live to the degree that parents outnumber their children and birthrates plummet through replacement levels and into the basement of collapse and ruin.
I'm so deeply fed up with this American application of 'If you're not with us you're against us.' Just because Canada and Western Europe don't have a First Amendement, embrace capitalism with a quasi-religious fervor, provide a more visible state and a more comprehensive welfare system, doesn't make us any less democratic or innovative; just different. Isn't that the beauty and strength of Western civilization? Isn't that genius to encourage, nurture and sustain a civilizational kalediscope; the seductress that tempts so many other civilizations to embrace her? So don't be so quick to drum us out of Western civilization.
Indeed, if the West remains divided, Al Qu'ida wins. We will not repeat 1453; rather we must repeat 732, 1099, 1565 and 1688 when the West was relatively united and drove back the invaders that would snuff out our civilization genius; our unique ethos with the added proviso that the deparvity must be utterly destroyed and salt poured over its soil so islamojihadism never recovers its fertility.
Canada and Europe are neither cowards nor freeriders of American coattails. My country and Germany have troops stationed in Afganistan; France and Belgium have arrested several members of cells; and so on. Discretion can be just as valourous as bravery.
So even if Canada and Europe don't deploy soldiers or engage in spectacular intelligence operations, our steadiness is just as devasating to terrorism. Finally, it's best if Americans also remember that we, Europeans and Canadians, face the same dilemmas in how to exercise our power in the face of terrorism. While ours isn't as powerful, or dramatic or earthshaking as your; the exercise of our relative power is powerful, dramtic and earthsaking for us. We no more want to sully our flags or denaturalize our civilizational ethos than you.
Yesterday, I expressed my surprise at how ostensibly conservative commentator Andrew Sullivan harboured libertarian tendency vis-�-vis steroid consuption. While nuturing and protecting individual autonomy, especially what decisions that affect the body- are laudable there are limits to radical autonomy. Reciprocal dependency imposes such a limit.
This essay will briefly introduce the concept.
Reciprocal depedency signifies that human relationship develop a complex we of obligations, some explicit, some implicit, to do, to abstain, to help, and so on. Reciprocal dependency occurs in hierarchical relations such a infants who depend on their parents for protection and nurturing; as well as non-hierarchical: team members showing up to practice.
Libertarianism sustains an antropological flaw: it presumes that humans emerge from nowhere fully adult, completely autonomous, throughly informed and totally apt. Unfortunately, the sick, the old, the inapt and the infants constantly refute that presupposition. Indeed, libertarians are so uncomfortable with reciprocal dependency that they view it as illegitimate rather than analyze its existence and adjust accordingly. Indeed, this attitude merely highlights the ideology's weak spot. Libertarianism simply doesn't know what to do with families with young children, the retarded and insane; the old and the sick. The ideology makes no allowances other than the voluntary association of autonomous individuals who freely consented. Reciprocal dependency reminds the liberatarians that there's more to human relations than just autonomy, volunteerism and enlightened consent. There's also fidelity, obedience and loyalty.
Ahir la Verificadora general fenderal (l'equivalent del Tribunal de comptes en Espanya) a sortit una pon�ncia sobre les despeses de George Radwanski l'anci� commisionari federal de la protecci� de la vida privada
.L'informe es absolutament devastador. Tant que el govern federal ha demenat la Policia montada a obrir una enquesta. Mentrestant podem amaravellar de com Senyor Radwanski s'enbutx� uns 56 000, tamb� havia rebut uns pagament de 15 000$ del qual no tenia dret a percerbre. Als restaurants despes� un 16 000$ per la factura i sempre menaja als millors restaurants d'Ottawa. Per� el pitjor es que intimidava els seus subordinats. En tot cas, el total es m�s o menys 550 000$.
Entre el fiasco del registre de les armes que cost� un mil milions de dolars i enara no s'ha abat; un altre mil milions pel Ministre federal de recursos humans i ara l'afer Radwanski, i quansevol altre esc�ndol que esclatar� no em sorprenderia si el federal hagu�s ben b� gastaria un 3 a 4$ mil milions. Que ressento m�s es que el govern federal s'entoussideix a no baixar els impostos o donar-nos un reembolsement del atur. Preferix tirar aldiners per le finestra i malgastar-los el m�s possible perque nosaltres som massa cafres per gestionar els nostre propris diners. Fins que no fotem afora el partis en poder i canviem l'actitud dindre la funci� p�blica federal aquest pa�s es podridir� encara m�s.
Today's day 2 of the 8 day pledgeweek. Today's articles are interesting where else can you find a discussion of odious debts, the imposition of shari's law in a Malasyian state and the Mexican American dispute over tequila.
A major reason that I decided to start this pledge week is that I'm seriously thinking about leaving blogspot. I'm unhappy with the recent template changes that've completely broken the foreign character sets. I doubt paying for blogspot's premium services would resolve the underlying problem of the broken character sets. Consequently if I use another blog service it'll probably be one that requires me to buy my own domain name- which isn't cheap-, have enough money to pay for the renewal of both the servers and the domain name and other operating expenses that add up. By myself, I can't afford to move out of blogspot.
Please donate whatever amount you think best and thanks in advance.
Here's an interesting proposal of what to do with Iraq's debts. I like the idea of convening a 'wiseman' board to investigate which debt can be qualified as odious and thus can be reputiated under the doctrine and which isn't and thus can't be; thus paid back. It's important for a state to be very careful when it repuidate its debt.
16th Spain offers a tragic and sobering example of what happens when a state regularly defaults on its loans. Fuggers was the leading banking family in early modern Europe and lent to most of the major European potentates. All it took was repeated default to utterly destroy the Fuggers and be replaced by others.
True, defaulting, isn't juridically speaking, the same as repudiating but the effects are pretty much idential: the creditors- especially the unsecured- can be destroyed and they're exceedingly reluctant to lend again without either exorbitant interest rates or phsyical collatoral- like concessions on national industries.
In any case, I find the proposal to be eminently reasonable. My only recommendation is that such a process be public. The wisemen would need to present themselves before hearings and be questioned as to why this or that debt was or wasn't considered odious. Also they should make their reports publics. I have no problem if some of the information or buisness needs to be confidential but I think it's very important to know how and why the wisemen decide which debt can be repuidated.
Fred Pruitt a publi? une petit d?p?che dans laquelle il mentionne qu'un ?tat malaysien d'o? un partie politique islamo-int?griste veut imposer la char'ia.
Ce d?sir se fait en contre la constitituion malysienne. Peu importe, on verra un autre petit paradis wabbihien s'installer en Asie; ce qui causera les investisseurs internationaux ? retirer leur argent.
Malheureusement c'est exactement ce que veuillent ces int?gristes pusique pour leur vision d'islam ? r?ussir les pays doive regresser au plan ?conomique et social. Plus facil ? imposer la char'ia quand le pays fr?le un taux de ch?mage de 40%+ et tout les sympt?mes d'une soci?t? en d?tresse. Jadis on aurait pu dir tant pis mais malheureusement, ces int?gristes aiment beaucoup la technologie surtout quand ils la peuvent utiliser contre nous. Ces pays int?gristes sont incapables de produire rien que des enfants, la pauvr?t?, la mis?re et le marsame.Donc comme les communistes d'antan c'est les pays industriels que doivent les suaver de leur cr?tinisme cosmologique.