Unable to blog until the weekend: very busy
Due to commitments, I won't be able to blog until the weekend.
Tr?s occup?, je bloguerai cette fin de semaine
Compte tenu de compromis, je posterai cette fin de semaine
Molt ocupat, escriur? al fi de stemana
EN aqyuest moment, no tinc el temps d'escruire fins aquest fin de setmana.
Blair and the Iraqi WMDs: another shrug of the shoulders?
I'm clearly disturbed by Blair's
statement that the Coalition may never find Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. This is a disturbing attitude. First, Blair's statements undermines British and American anti-proliferation policies; second, the war's principal strategic aim was a lie; third, an unconscionable derliction of political duty to defend Britian or its allies against the possible detonation of these weapons by Al Qu'ida or any terrorist groups. Finally, I disbelieve that no one can find these weapons. Scuds and their transporteres aren't Chrysler Neons or Ford windstars. They're exremely large objects that can easily be spotted by the sophisticated satellites that Amrica has.
Perle and Frum: sneering at the softliners
Softliners, I like the neologism from Messr Perle and Frum's Wall St Journal oped (free registration required) It's a brief article and what struck me most was their criticism of the softliners' criticism of imposing democracy in the Mideast.
Perle and Frum point out that there's a correlation between Mideast tyranny and terrorism. Perhaps, but I was struck at their attitude about democracy in the Mideast. The attitude reminds me of Wilson's remark when the U.S. invaded Mexico in 1917 that the Americans would help the latter pick good men. Unfortunately, democracy can't be imposed from the outside if the socio-attitudinal foundation are unconducive to a democratic polity- Weimar Germany is the classic example. The desire to diffuse political authourity and economic decision making protected by accountability and rule of law has to come from within the societies. They have to want this state of affairs and work towards that goal. No one can do it for them
Bush et Martin: recontre en M?xique
Les ex?cutifs politiques du continent am?rique se sont r?unis ? Montrrey en M?xique pour leur rencontre annuel. Les dirigents discuentent sur la lib?ralisation des march?s ? travers le Noveau Monde, parlent de comment emp?cher la culture de la corruption et l'impunit? judiciare et ainsi de suite. Pour les Canadien, ce rencontre suscite d'int?r?t car c'est la premi?re fois que Bush rencontre Martin en tant que Primier minsitre du Canada. Tout le monde pr?sume que Martin tentera de r?conciler avec les pr?sident am?ricain et de r?parer les r?lations bilat?rales. Pour l'instant, les r?lations semblent cordiales ? voir si celles-ci se traduiront ? de r?sultats concr?tes.